Film follows five young girls at summer camp who must unite to fight a supernatural threat Source: Emily Carmichael to Direct ‘Lumberjanes’ for Fox (Exclusive)
Source: A Reptilian Alien Thief Juggles Two Partners in Crime in This Sci-Fi Short Film | Nerdist
The digital debut of Stryka, the tale of a lizard alien who lives in Brooklyn. Source: This short film got its indie director a job writing the new Pacific Rim movie | Ars Technica
Trevorrow’s photo: Mike Windle/BAFTA LA/Getty Images Carmichael’s photo: OneFifty/Catalina Kulczar
There aren’t a lot of people whose first feature gets produced by Spielberg, but as is usually the case, Carmichael’s seeming overnight success is the product of years of preparation.
Eon, the TV series based on the feature script, will attend Independent Film Week: IFP Announces Full Slate For Independent Film Week Project Forums | Deadline.
Emily Carmichael’s feature script ARROW has been named as a Quarterfinalist for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Nicholl Fellowship.
The Hunter and the Swan Discuss Their Meeting is featured on SUNDANCETV: