Kid Can Drive

Emily Carmichael’s Summer Picnic with Andrew Semans

Emily Carmichael’s Summer Picnic with Andrew Semans

Photo by fellow Filmmaker Andrew Semans, who hosted this summer picnic with me.

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RPG OKC at Jerusalem Film Festival

RPG OKC at Jerusalem Film Festival

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Breakfast Quest with Nick Amadeus and Lars Casteen

Breakfast Quest with Nick Amadeus and Lars Casteen

Happy to be the first ever repeat guest on Breakfast Quest, Nick Amadeus and Lars Casteen’s podcast about obscure or forgotten kid’s shows. This episode: BRAVE STAR.  

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Filmmaker Emily Carmichael Gets Down

Filmmaker Emily Carmichael Gets Down

This is a photo of filmmaker Emily Carmichael dancing, because it’s not always easy to control what images turn up in Google search and it’s nice to get some good ones in there. This photograph of filmmaker Emily Carmichael was taken by Sasha Juliard, whose…

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