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If you like video games with very large pixels and love stories like, for the short film this week, “RGP OKC” is exactly the right thing. Through an online dating portal to learn a cat woman from the desert (which, incidentally, the daughter of a lemon with shoes), and a security guard a deserted fortress know and love. Very loving and fun waiting “RPG OKC” with lots of nice ideas and 2D design elements on the response around revolve around the love story of the characters.

Directed this small masterpiece led the filmmaker and animation expert Emily Carmichael who also vorführte their film at numerous film festivals and was able to reap some prices for it. “OKC RPG” is a spin-off of their series “The Adventures of Ledo and Ix” .


Kurzfilm der Woche: RPG OKC | Die Filmguckerin.