Eon is a science-fiction adventure by Emily Carmichael, set in alternate-reality Brooklyn. Stryka, one of the main characters in Eon, is the protagonist of Kid Can Drive short film Stryka, where she’s portrayed by Aimee Mullins.
Arrow, Eon, News, press, Stryka
Eon is featured on this years Hit List:
Eon, News, press, screenings
Eon, the TV series based on the feature script, will attend Independent Film Week: IFP Announces Full Slate For Independent…
Arrow, Eon, News, press, screenings, Stryka
Emily Carmichael’s feature script ARROW has been named as a Quarterfinalist for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences…
Eon, Features, In Development
Eon is a science-fiction adventure by Emily Carmichael, set in alternate-reality Brooklyn. Stryka, one of the main characters in Eon,…
Eon, Stryka
Witness the absurd beauty that is Aimee Mullins and Rupert Friend at the 2013 Emmys.
Arrow, Eon, Watch Now
Featuring Aimee Mullins (Cremaster 3) and Rupert Friend (Homeland, The Young Victoria)
Arrow, Eon, News, press, screenings
Last year, in order to spotlight the talents emerging from NYU’s graduate film program, students Ash Bhalla and Shandor Garrison created the Purple List, the university’s answer to the Blacklist. The notable success of the 2012 Purple List was Shaka King’s stoner comedy Newlyweeds, which premiered this January at Sundance and was picked up for distribution by Phase 4 Films.
Arrow, Eon, screenings
So, ARROW is going to be at Independent Film Week, which is an independent marketplace held by IFP in September….
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